Tips To Avoid Search Engine Troubles
As the Web Designing Company builds website for any business, business owners wants their website on the top page of search engine. Their aim of making a website is to grab online ventures with good Search Engine rankings. We Web design in Nepal, our aim will to make attractive website with good position in Google search engine results and to avoid Search engine Troubles.
As Google is changing its algorithm time to time, so to make the Search Engine creeping on our site is becoming the tougher job. In haste never and ever take wrong steps to get better ranking. You should make the Search Engine happy but never try to fool it. Here are some tips to avoid Search Engine Troubles;
Never neglect the visitors
Your business is for the people’s service, so you have to make the customer friendly website. If you only target your website for the Search Engine, then your business will not flourish and cannot have market. When you emerge successful in creating user-oriented and friendly website can be navigated easily. Then, there will be more visitors on your site automatically increasing the ranking on the site.
Avoid duplicate Content
To make the content easily understandable and readable is the main motto of the company. Content is the king of your website as it gives brief and detailed description about the company and its aim. We should include keywords which defines name and its products. But you should never use more keyword in a page defining your products; Google will put your website on Spam.
As Search Engine like Google hate the Spammer. Thus always pick out the best keywords and distribute them across all the page of your site. Duplicate content is the biggest crime in Google’s eye. So, do not try to stuff multiple pages, domains and sub-domains with loads of duplicate content.
Do not get into Link Spamming
You do not want to pack your WebPages with links. As Search engine prefer high quality of links but not more number of them. When you add more links in your WebPages then such activities will add negative impact on our site. So always neglect number of links so that you can have better ranking on the search engine.
At last, SEO takes longer time, so do not expect results at short time. Remember that your site should be highly relevant to the users with full of information and optimized. Always remember Vertex, Web design in Nepal to avoid such mistakes.
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