SEO mistakes to avoid

Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital to any successful ranking of websites on the SERPs. Therefore, SEO company should implement with SEO in the right manner. SEO expert and analyst considers mainly the Google algorithm, which takes several factors into consider when ranking a webpage, and they keep changing it.

Top SEO company in Nepal is giving the ideas that one must avoid while performing SEO of any business.

# SEO mistakes to avoid for #1 ranking

#Mistake 1. Buying Links

Whenever if you are buying links to boost your websites but you are at letting you website at risk. Google’s search engine experts are able to figure out the paid links. You may ask, how will they find out this? Well for this case, Google’s bots and a special team at the company search for questionable linking patterns every single day! Google will love the websites with organic links not he paid links. Therefore, you must make the consideration that getting the links working not paying for the links.

#Mistake 2. Falling for Unrealistic SEO Promises

SEO is the continuous process of uplifting the sites in the gradual manner. You can not expect the site on first page doing SEO for few day or few months. You have to do it regularly. So wile choosing for the SEO company in Nepal, be sure that they are not assuring you in fist page in few months of SEO. In Nepal, Some SEO companies may promise to get you on the front page of Google search results quickly and inexpensively.

Be aware of such SEO company, they may use black hat SEO Tool. Search Engine takes serious steps to detect, penalize and even ban websites that try to cheat the system. Therefore, its would be wise not to fall on any temptation. Come to Top SEO company Nepal for complete SEO works.

#Mistake 3. Duplicate Content

Being SEO Expert, I myself found out that Google really hate the websites with duplicate content. With the update with the Google algorithm like Panda, penguin, Fred, I found the websites with the duplicate content and punish them by removing website which were on top.

Also  avoid writing blog for two keywords, this may lead to risk of a search engine penalty. But Instead, you can write the blog which gives information rather than on the business advertisement.

#SEO Mistakes to avoid 4. Ignoring to Search Engine Changes

While performing SEO of any website, always remember that you are doing every works for the Search engine. So, we must give preference to Search engines as they continually change their algorithms to improve the quality of searches and to combat cheaters who try to manipulate the system.

In the past years, Google made major algorithm changes as Panda, Penguin, Fred, Humming bird and so on. Learn from your past mistakes and improve your quality of working. Therefore, Keeping on touch of the most recent updates is important in achieving good search rankings. So, it is going to hamper the ranking of your websites if you are ignoring to Search engine changes.

SEO Mistakes to avoid 5. Choosing Keywords without Research

One common mistake that SEO strategies made is to focus on nonstrategic keywords.  we can see only short listed company websites on the Google Search, as the SEO analyst research the keywords that people frequently search.

An SEO expert will help to reach your dream of being on the top ahead of the competitors. He/she can choose keywords that will generate the most searches with the least competition. They will conduct the research to choose the best keyword as per your need and goal of the company.

Thus, we can conclude that choosing keyword without research is SEO mistakes to avoid.

IN conclusion: 

There are lots of SEO mistakes that we do knowingly or unknowingly. Therefore, you can come to Vertex Web Surf, a leading SEO company in Nepal for all kinds SEO works with out any mistakes.

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