Essential Components for GOOD SEO Strategy

In theory, search engine optimization (SEO) sounds very amazing. With one strategy, you can get your site to the top of Google’s organic search rankings, raking in relevant visitors and sales. Unfortunately, SEO scares a lot of people away because of its volatile nature and intimidating degree of complexities. The three main SEO components that must be present to comprise a successful long-term search strategy are:

  1. On-site Optimization:

On-site optimization is all about the content, structure, and layout of your website. Google and other search engines crawl your site to get an understanding of what it is about so the information it finds on your website can have a big impact in how it ranks pages on your site for relevant search queries. Let’s watch what are the components on the on-site optimization;

  • The title tag (per page):

Google uses these to learn the main topic and purpose of a page. They should be written accurately, concisely, and without any unnatural language (like keyword stuffing).

  • The meta description (per page):

Similar to title tags, meta descriptions are more extended and more descriptive.

  • Site navigation:

Your site navigation should be easy to follow, and broken down into categories and sub-categories.

  • Internal linking:

The fewer clicks it takes to get from one page to any other page on your site, the better. Internal links also help Google understand how pages on your site are related, what their hierarchy is in terms of importance on your site, and their relevance for given search queries.

  • The URL (per page)

Do not use a string of numbers or symbols in your URL–instead, write concise descriptions of each page.

  • Relevant, unique content (per page):

This is a big one. The content on each of your pages should be full, complete, informative, and free from error. Google uses this content to “understand” the purpose of each page and evaluate its usefulness.

  • Site speed and performance:

Though not as important as some of the other features listed here, the time it takes your site to load and the availability of your content is a significant factor.

  1. Off-page SEO

The main SEO campaign should focus on off-site authority building, meaning building a presence and relationships on external sites and platforms. The biggest tools Google uses to evaluate this “authoritativeness” are inbound links from such external sources. The more inbound links you have pointing to your site from high-authority sources, the better your perceived authority, and the higher your website will rank in search engines. However, any links deemed irrelevant, spammy, or unnatural could earn you a penalty rather than a boost. So we must be careful how and where you acquire your inbound links. Guest posting, social media syndication, and influence marketing are all tactics you can use to get your content in front of more people and widen your authoritative with good content.

  1. Quality of Content:

In any online marketing, Content Plays an Important role for business’s online. “Content is King” and the biggest component produce for the life of your brand, which forms your content strategy. Usually relegated to a blog or newsfeed, this serves a variety of functions for your brand–not just an SEO benefit. Your content shows off your expertise, helping users trust you, and gives you a platform for conversion by including calls to action at the end of your pieces. It can also serve as fuel for your social media or email marketing campaigns. Customers love to read useful, original, well-researched, insightful, properly formatted, appropriately written, free from error, relevant for your audience, and fun or engaging to read. Resulting, the content market is intimidating for newcomers, but to see the true benefits of content marketing, you will have to rise above the fold.

We are the Top SEO Company in Nepal, which works considering all the major components of SEO. So Contact us  01-4388511.

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