Quick SEO wins for any website

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION[SEO] is a tough task in itself. It is not easy to build a high performing website and get top rankings on all the search engines. Winning the SEO game is not just about enabling the search engines find your pages, but also ranking them at the top of the search results page. It takes time to bring websites on the top pages or web results. But the clients want their sites on the SERPs on top quickly. It is matter of challenge for the SEO companies to do so at short period of time.

You can optimize your website to improve its performance in the SERPs, but this optimization requires continuous maintenance, testing and monitoring.

Here are Some quick SEO wins for the clients;

  1. Generate XML Sitemap and Add Your Site to Webmaster Tools

The main aim of generating sitemap is that sitemap tells search engines what pages are on your website. Create an XML sitemap for your website and submit it to the search engines to help them crawl your site better. You can use XML-Sitemaps.com to build your sitemap online. After generating a sitemap, add your site to Bing Webmaster Tools and Google Webmaster Tools so the search engines can crawl your pages.

If you do not have a Google Webmaster Tools account, create a Google Account and sign up for Webmaster Tools. Add the site to Webmaster Tools, go to Optimization > Sitemaps and submit your website’s sitemap.

  1. Ensure Googlebot is Crawling Your Site

If Googlebot cannot crawl your site properly, it will not be able to access your site’s content and, as a result, your site will not rank in the search results.

How you can ensure Googlebot is crawling your site:

  • Click the site you want Google to crawl on the Webmaster Tools homepage
  • Click “Fetch as Google” in the Crawl section
  • Enter the path to the page in the text box
  • Select “Web” from the dropdown list
  • Click on “Fetch.” Once you see the status as “successful” click on “Submit to index.”

If you want to submit individual URL to Google’s index, select the URL and click “Submit.” You can submit up to 500 URLs per week. After each addition of pages or post on your website, add it so that google can crawl it.

  1. Let the Crawler crawl Your Site

You can use Screaming Frog to run a quick crawl test on your site. The tool gives a free trial of up to 500 URLs on the following data and more:

  • Missing and duplicate H1 and H2 tags
  • Duplicate  and missing page titles and meta descriptions
  • Missing ALT tags in images
  • 404 errors
  • Duplicate pages

After you get the result, try to fix the problems. If your site is free from the errors, then google will rank your site on top pages.

  1. Avoid Duplicate Content:

All we know that Search engine as Google, Bing, Yahoo!, rewards the site with the high quality content with full of information. So do not copy and paste other sites information if you want to get better ranking.

  1. Ensure Your Local Business Listings Have Consistent NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number)

According to HubSpot, 20 percent of Google searches are for local information. Ensure your business is present on popular local search data providers like Yelp, Foursquare, Bing and Yellow Pages. Make sure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone Number) is consistent across these data providers. Businesses can leverage local SEO by creating a separate page for each location.

Apart from this, make sure your local business is added to Google My Business. The Google My Business dashboard lets you manage all your business information right at one place.

  1. Make sure that your site is fully optimized;

A responsive site is essential for getting better ranking because, all the users may not be from the desktop but may be from the mobile, tablets so it is essential to make the site fully responsive and optimized.

  1. Use relevant keywords for your business brand

If use relevant keywords, then there is more chance of getting better ranking on SERPs. For example, if you have business related to the taxi services in Kathmandu, then you should use keywords as near taxi service in Kathmandu to me, cheap taxi in Kathmandu, fastest taxi in Kathmandu and so on. If you use keywords as Buses in Kathmandu that will not be relevant. As a result of which  customers will not be get your site on the SERPs pages so it is must to use meaningful keywords in the site.


To get better ranking on the search engine result pages, it is necessary to have all above mentioned points done correctly. Content, fully optimized to all the devices, tags, title etc. all things done correctly to get reward from the Google.

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