How to overcome the FRED UPDATE of GOOGLE???

Google is always tight-lipped about the changes they make to their algorithm, however, the change on March 7th/8th was large enough for many website owners and digital marketing firms to notice substantial changes in traffic and rankings. This new algorithm update, simply known as “Fred”, is believed to primarily target websites with low-quality content and backlinks. Often, these two factors occur simultaneously and on websites that have utilized SEO companies to quickly build low-quality content and backlinks. So it is Essential to overcome Fred update of Google to have better ranking.

Google has confirmed the Fred algorithm update, but they were weary of giving too much information about it. The only clue given to website owners was that Fred targeted websites that were not abiding by the webmaster guidelines. Based on our Research, we concluded that sites with low-quality content and unnatural backlinks, purely meant to drive revenue have been the most hurt by this update.

If your site is penalized by this Fred Update, TOP SEO company in Nepal {Vertex Web Surf} is giving the ideas to overcome Fred update of Google;

#1. Design your website for users, not for search engine robots:

A lot of low value, ad heavy websites are very text heavy, often difficult to navigate and usually follow a typical blog style theme.  Make the websites of the users not for the search engine robots.

#2. Check your ad ratio;

With Google removing the limit on Ad Ratio in 2016, this blurred the line for webmasters and made it difficult to really understand what the best ratio may be. Do not ever put more amount of keywords on the content. Remember that you are writing fort your users not for the robots.

#3. Do not write similar or the same content over and over:

Content heavy sites have a tendency to publish content around the same or similar subjects. Now this time, if you write the same content or related content again and again. Then Google will penalize your site i.e. Google will remove your site from the top Pages of result pages.

#4. Focus on users rather than keywords

Poor affiliate sites will create content based around keywords and have no real value other than to rank for that particular keyword. Affiliate sites that will stand the test of time create content for users, solve problems and offer solutions. So write the content that will solve the users question and provide the proper answer. Thus it is essential to focus on the users rather than particular keywords.

#5. Create ‘non-profit’ content

Ensure your affiliate website is not only commercial/money pages. Create pages and content that are useful for your niche/industry. This could be in the form of an infographic or evergreen guide. These will serve as content assets and may attract links or get shared, therefore increasing the authority and traffic of your site as a whole. This ‘non-profit’ content will also help the ad and commercial balance of your site – search engines seeing that not all of your content has commercial agenda.

#6. Add relevant links and Avoid link exchanging/paid links:

Never and ever try to add more external links in your content pages. Add that link that is relevant to the topic. Try to avoid the link exchanging. Addition of the relevant links can improve the site quality.

#7. Create a social media following:

 For any business growth social media have great role as many people are connected via Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Work on building a social following and attract real people and ‘likes’ by sharing valuable content in your niche. Creating a social media following, you can have lots of visitors on your website.

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