SEO Expert in Nepal – Pradip Khanal

SEO Expert & Consultant Nepal

Rank #1 on Google through SEO is not a Dream Anymore

Hi, my name is Pradip Khanal and I am an SEO expert, a freelance SEO Consultant from Nepal. I work as an SEO freelancer from last 9 years and work on freelance projects for my clients across the world.

I am glad to tell you that I have worked full time for my so many big clients from Nepal, Canada, USA, Australia and another Country in my last 9 years of SEO Expert and Consultant Carrer.

After leaving my permanent job as an SEO Manager in the Multinational company. I wanted to do something different in my life and I decided to help Small, Medium and Big Businesses and Startups in Kathmandu, Nepal and across the world.  It’s been 9 years now since I work as a full-time SEO Freelancer in Nepal.

I am happy to tell you that SEO is not a rocket science. It’s a beautiful fundamental or technique and improves time to time.

The only thing you need is to update your SEO skills as per Google & Bing latest updates, algorithm changes, and according to new Guidelines. For this, I also attend google seminars and workshops as well. Now we are in the year 2018, it’s really a good time to meet with your friend and SEO Expert.

What are my Online Marketing knowledge and Specialties for the growth of any business?

    •  Understand Your Business to Provide Quality Service
    • Keyword Research to achieve Target Audience
    • Competitor Analysis to of your business
    • On Page Optimization to Make It SEO FriendlySearch Engine Optimization Expert
    • Off-page SEO
    • Review Existing Code to Increase Load Time
    • Evaluate Navigation to Make Strong Internal Link Structure
    • Content Optimization to Make Keyword Rich Web Pages
    • Create Sitemap.xml and Robots.txt To Update and Ignore Search Engine Crawler
    • Google Analytics to Measure SEO Performance
    • Social Media to Create Website Branding
    • Link Building to Rank your web site Higher and higher
    • Up to date Monitoring to Stay Ahead from Your Competitors
    • Reports to Measure Ranking, Traffic, Conversion and ROI

I will work according to you and your clients and for a Long-term relationship. With my reliable and establish facts SEO Technologies, I have the right skills and expertise to help boost your Website organic search rankings, visibility and reach in all main search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing. I can help you in Searching your target audience and help in bringing your business.

You may wonder “What Is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)”?

SEO is the technique of getting visitors from the free natural, editorial or organic, search results on Google, Bing, Yahoo. Search engine optimization is a procedure of search strategies, methods and strategy used to Boost the quantity of Traffic to your website by get a Top-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine SERP, including Google, Bing, Yahoo and additional search engines.


If you are missing the customers’ due to lower ranking on the SERPs then, SEO Expert can help you to reach your business target online. I would like to recommend effective webpages and additional content like videos or local Business listings are shown and ranked based on what the search engine deal with most compatible to Customers.
With the help of optimized site The higher a website naturally ranks in organic results of a search, the greater the chance that website will be visited by a visitor.
Search Engine Optimization helps to guarantee that a website is available to a search engine and become better chances that the website will be Searched by the search engine. Search Engine Optimization is generally a set of white hat best process that webmasters & Web content producers follow to help them reach a Top ranking in search engine results.

9+ Years of Experience utility for your business

7 years of experience is big enough to accomplish any type of works. It’s because SEO experts have utilized/studied each hour of each day about SEO & PPC and google algorithm updates. We drilled every aspect of Search Engine Optimization and know that for which websites, what kind of SEO Tactics/work is required. We take care of every micro to macro aspect of SEO. For example, how far is the targeted page from the main page? Just Search on Google : PPC Expert in Nepal: you will find us on 1st position.
We get calls daily for SEO, people say: my domain is: and I want a rank for keywords. We don’t do that kind of SEO services. Instead, we take the keywords from our client and analyze what is his/her product/services, what is his location, what will be the target audience. Accordingly, I use our analytical mind & with the help of SEO tools I make a list of keywords for which a customer can get useful/fruitful traffic which can be converted into customers. For example:
Choosing a SEO Expert is different from choosing a PPC Expert. The following point should be taken into consideration while choosing a SEO Expert.

How to choose SEO Expert for your business??local seo service

As I Have already mentioned that the SEO is big game in itself so choosing the best SEO Expert is challenging job. So Being top SEO analyst I giving some points to be considered before finalizing your SEO expert. This can help you to know the effectiveness of the work your candidate does.

SEO Expert should have following knowledge for the SEO


PPC is advertising which creates compelling search advertising in Google and Bing display network advertising, pay-per-click-nepalaffiliate advertising, and much more.

#Social Media Marketing:

The Social Media marketing covers creating fresh, compelling content and attracting visitors through many online venues, such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr, Pinterest, and many more. Thus Expert must have the knowledge of Social Media marketing well and to se it.

#For Search Engine Optimization The SEO analyst must have knowledge of Local search as local searches covers getting business profiles created in the major search engines, mapping sites, major search directories for business, niche industry directory sites, local media sites, and more.

      •  Expert in the On-page optimization as it covers an full examination that’s how efficiently site has effect on the online presence. Similarly, also include how effectively the search engine crawler consumes and interprets the content of a website.
      •  Utilization of Analytics: As the analytics plays vital role in analyzing, tracking and referrer data of websitevisitors and creating reports to identify the user population demographics and their behavior on a site.
      • Ability of Link building as link building is the process of getting links from external websites to point to a target site.
      • Keyword development: As good SEO expert should comprise the ability to identify the keywords and phrases to be used by websites to earn relevance to a targeted topic in search. He/she should be able to find the suitable keywords for the business and the keywords plays and important role in SEO.
        Alothough, there are more than 200 ranking factors, you might ask him/her about few prominent factors like Meta title & URL, Content & Links, Knowledge of which is a must for any SEO Expert.

What Procedure he follows to improve your search engine rankings??
The SEO expert should explain what strategies that they would use to boost up your website’s search engine ranking, as well as estimate how long it could realistically will take to achieve the SEO campaign goals. There are many so called SEO Expert who easily take the SEO campaign and don’t know what strategy to apply to beat up the competitors. If you choose Me as Your SEO Master then you are on the right place.

The Guarantee Trap:

Don’t Believe that if anyone guarantees to bring the moon overnight. As the SEO is not a one day work it need the consistency in the work. IF someone says such things it’s better to resist the trap and look for genuine SEO expert. For E.g. if any SEO expert is assuring 1st position for your website without having any analysis of the website, competency. Remember that you are in wrong place, as SEO will take reasonably good amount of time and efforts for an SEO expert to align your campaign with your business plan and deliver accordingly. It is equally important for SEO expert to understand the marketplace and business economics for your product and work to drive your business to profit.

Experience in improving local search results:
Your Business is for the services of the local people. So, the to be top on the local search engine results is especially important to small brick-and-mortar businesses trying to attract nearby customers. Therefore, make sure the SEO expert you are hiring has experience in this field.

Transparency in changes they make to your website:
Expert know that Search engine optimization will most likely need a number of changes to your existing web page coding. As transparent person will make clear about the changes that they have made on your site. So, if you want the consultant to ask for your permission before doing so, then you must.

Evaluate the success of SEO campaigns:
In order to measure the success of SEO efforts, you must have the knowledge how much traffic is being sent to your website and where it is coming from. Ability to measure the analytics propely from where the visitors are coming and what particular keywords is important for the online business. Optimize your site as per the SEO campaigns.

Communication details:
There is proportional relation between the SEO consultant and the business owners. The mutual understanding is very much essential between them. Better communication will improve the business. You need to find someone whose approach best fits your needs. Ask if the candidate prefers to talk in person or via phone, Skype, texting or email. And find out how often he or she will reach out to you with status updates.

Payment terms:
SEO has big role in the business online. A good ranking means the more business. So, clients must negotiate the pricing criteria of the work assigned to your SEO expert and take all details of the same. Moreover, you must not let yourself get exploited in terms of money. It’s better to cooperate with the SEO expert in case of transaction activities.

As an SEO Expert What We will do

Website Creation and Modification:Website Creation and Modification Nepal
IF you do not have a website till now, Our web design in Nepal can create a SEO friendly Website for you. Alternately we can suggest and make modifications in your existing website for improving the SEO score, As a SEO expert we strongly recommend creating a highly user friendly website, since user experience is one of the Google ranking factor. In this time, It’s important to make mobile friendly website as more customer prefer using the mobile than other means of communication for online shopping.

Content writing & Alignment:
Content in the website it the king as it rules the online presence and growth of the business. Also, it is the most important asset for SEO (main ranking factor of Google. A freshly written content can robust your business ranking and the business. If your website does not have well written and relevant content, it will not rank on any search engine. If clients don’t have time & might not know how to write content which user & search engine will love, We can assist content writing for them.Best-Content-Writing-nepal
Expert knows that Writing content does not only involves thorough discussions with client about the product or services being offered but it also needs going through many of the well written articles by industry leaders. We work minutely on each and every detail of content to make it count. We foolproof the information on your website by suggesting and implementing improvements and fresh inclusions.

Earning Links:
Links are key reasons for any SEO success, but only a SEO expert can tell that quality of links have better results than that of quantity. Being Specialist, we will try to earn quality links since Google weighs Quality links than Quantity. Quality links can be done by producing high quality, useful and relevant content to which credible sites want to link.

What do our SEO services include?

We as SEO consultant in Nepal don’t believe in confining our SEO services to keyword research, website analysis or content optimization. We go deep down to the roots of your business to identify the problem areas and implement desired strategies from a huge pool of our on page and off page optimization services.

My SEO Expertise In a Row!

On Page SEO

I have the skills to take care of –

  • Meta Title of a website built with any CMS
  • Meta Description
  • Schema Tags
  • Cannibalization Fixation
  • Robots.TXT Fixation
  • Sitemap & Google Fetch
  • Site Speed Optimization & Suggestions
  • Local SEO Tags optimization
  • GMB (Google My Business) Page & Map Optimization
  • Keyword Research
  • Full Technical Audit & Suggestions
  • Site Structure & UI suggestions
  • Semantic Issues
  • Existing Content Audit & Suggestions
  • List of Keyword Phrases that people search on your niche.
  • List of Contents That One Website Should Have On The Blog Section
  • Google Webmaster Tool Integration & Error Removal.
  • Google Analytics Custom Data Reporting

Off Page SEO 

In Off Page; I am experienced to perform –

  • Competitor link profile analysis
  • Link opportunity & source profile creation
  • Guest posting script to build links following long term process
  • Listing key influencers on any niche
  • Disavowing harmful links
  • Anchor Text planning & variation strategy
  • Social Profile monitoring for better social signals
  • Submission Backlinks Creation
  • .edu and .gov backlinks creation
  • Broken Link Building
  • Relationship Based Link Building
  • Guest posting for Links
  • Video Backlinks
  • Slides & Docs Backlinks
  • Links from Comments Section of Websites & Forums
  • Local Directory Links & Citation Building
  • Content Focused Link Building
  • Digital Marketing as a whole.

We keep on upgrading our services with the updated parameters of Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines; and this is what makes us the best SEO specialist in Nepal.

Do you need a SEO expert in Nepal who is dedicated to boosting targeted traffic to your Web site? Contact Me today at (984)-966-2858 or for further more information visit my website.

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